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In 1994, 68 enthusiastic anglers in 26 trailer boats met at Nelson Bay on beautiful Port Stephens for a weekend of fishing, fun,  and comradery.

The rules were kept deliberately simple so as to be attractive to the majority of people who do not normally go in fishing tournaments or belong to fishing clubs. The format was such that inshore and offshore species were fairly evenly weighted for points and that enthusiastic amateurs could compete on a fairly even footing with experienced gun anglers. Most importantly, the very simple rules and tournament format were designed to be enjoyable and yet challenging to anglers of all ages and skill levels.

These ideals have been carried through to the present day and the event attracts many family groups. In fact, each year, we welcome many crews comprising 3 generations of the same family. There are 96 species prizes offered and the plethora of lucky draws mean the not-so-skilled or not-so lucky anglers stil have plenty of chances to win some great prizes from our many sponsors.

As we approach our 25th Anniversary Tournament, you can expect to be joining over 1,000 fellow anglers (with a large number of Juniors) and over 400 boats at Port Stephens for the Club Marine Trailer Boat Fishing Tournament. It is now amongst the largest and definitely the most enjoyable family fishing tournament in Australia and has stayed true to the rules and ideals set around 25 years ago.

It is truly a wonderful weekend for family and friends to experience on one of the most beautiful waterways in the world.

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