Step 1 of 4 - Dates for 2019 0% On which dates would you prefer the tournament be held in 2019?*In 2019 Good Friday is 19th April. 12, 13, 14 April - The weekend prior to Easter picks up the first week of the school holidays. Therefore more expensive & rarer accommodation. (registration starts on the evening of the 11th) 5, 6, 7 April – non-peak season so cheaper accommodation & less people. (registration starts on the evening of the 4th) How many Trailer Boat Fishing Tournament’s (TBFT) have you competed in?*Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.Are you considering entering the 2019 TBFT?* Definitely Probably Not Sure Probably Not Definitely Not Do you enter other fishing tournaments?* Yes No How many fishing tournaments do you enter each year on average?Which other tournaments do you enter?Did you enter Club Marine “Fishing with Al” competition?* Yes No Why not? Are you a member of a fishing club?* Yes No Which fishing club are you a member of? Do you listen to AM/FM radio while out fishing at Port Stephens?* Yes No Which radio station do you listen to while out fishing at Port Stephens? Did you listen to By FM for tournament updates during the last tournament?* Yes No Would you like to & be able to access regular Facebook updates during the tournament?* Yes No How often do you refer to social media whilst fishing?*Every hourA few times a dayOnce a dayNeverWhich is your favourite & most used social media?* I do not use Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram If you’d like to see running results on social media, which is your preference? Would you like to be able to upload photos to a TBFT site during the tournament?* Yes No Do you recognise our sponsors & shop for sponsors products/services during the year?* Yes No Would you like to see early bird weekly entry lucky draws continued for 2019 and onwards?*For 2018, we introduced early bird weekly entry lucky draws. The earlier you enter the more chances you have of winning a prize. Yes No Don't mind either way The rules haven’t changed much in 25 years and have been kept deliberately simple. We’d like to keep them that way. Any suggestions for improvement or simplification?There are 14 species included in the TBFT. Which species did you target?* Bream (live only) Cobia Drummer (black) Flathead Flounder Luderick Marlin / Billfish (t&r only) Morwong Mulloway Tailor Teraglin Tuna (incl Bonito) Snapper Yellowtail Kingfish Do you have any other species you’d like to be considered for inclusion?We try offer an even balance between inshore & offshore species. Are there any of the above species you’d like to see excluded?Are you satisfied with the way we encourage junior anglers?* Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Any suggestions on how to make the junior angler experience better?What do you think about the duration of the TBFT?* Too long Too short Just right Which days would you prefer the tournament to run?* Thursday evening registration, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Tuesday evening registration, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday evening registration, Thursday, Friday, Saturday To make Sunday’s main presentation quicker, we are considering introducing lucky draws on Friday afternoon (around 6-8pm). Would you like that?*Friday Lucky draws might also happen alongside pizza/popcorn and a movie. Yes No Where did you stay during the last tournament?* Home With friends/family Rental property Holiday Park Caravan Park Marina Berth Onboard boat If a visitor to the area, how many nights did you stay at Port Stephens?How many non-competitors came to Port Stephens with you?*Which businesses did you visit & buy from during the tournament?* Supermarkets Restaurants Hotels & Bars Petrol Station Bait and Tackle Shops Ice Chandlery & Accessories Others Which other businesses did you visit?If you owned the boat you fished on during the tournament, who fished with you?* Myself only Friends Family Friends & Family Overall, how satisfied are you with the TBFT?* Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied What do you like most about the TBFT?*What do you like least about the TBFT?*What would you like to see improved?*How did you submit your entry for the last TBFT?*An amazing number of people entered via mobile phones this year and for some reason the TBFT website was not accepting a lot of details even though it worked quite well for 2017. Changes & upgrades are being worked on now. Smartphone Tablet Computer How satisfied were you with the online entry process for TBFT 2018?* Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Any suggestions for improving the online entry process for TBFT 2019?How satisfied were you with the food voucher system available at the TBFT for the Saturday Lucky Draws?*Council regulations have made it incredibly difficult & onerous on a volunteer organisation to do an outdoor BBQ at a reasonable price. Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied How satisfied were you with the registration process at Nelson Bay?* Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Any suggestions for improving the registration process at Nelson Bay? Name* First Last Phone*Email*